Alphonse Mucha's cover for Hearst's Magazine in 1922 showed his fair-haired son Jiří. -- Books: Alphonse Mucha and Alphonse ...
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ديسمبر 2020
Jo says: I’m having trouble finding my art style. I do a lot of abstract pieces but I want to do more! I’m feeling overwhelmed with where t...
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Jethro Crabb is a sculptor who has made realistic heads for Madame Tussauds. Here's his Instagram top nine. He also has sculpted car...
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Christopher Heffernan asked how 19th century artists such as Édouard Detaille (1848-19120 were able to paint equestrian subjects. Let's...
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Dogs' noses are famously sensitive to smells. But it turns out they can sense heat signatures, too. Bulldog, 1927 (watercolor on paper) ...
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Do birds dream? Scientists at the University of Chicago observed that they exhibit REM sleep, with a burst of activity in a brain region cal...
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Thornton Utz (1914-1999) — Late for the holiday party! Snowing. Wishing you the best under the circumstances during this socially-distanced ...
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Will J. Bailey produced this helpful YouTube video showing how to make a sketch easel ( link to YouTube ). ---- On Gumroad: How to Make a ...
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Here's a story from the inimitable "Weird Al" Yankovic. Hint: it ends with a pretty amazing drawing: Happy holidays, everyone...
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Scraytonify asks: "Why do you choose to paint the scenes you do with telephone poles and wires and fire hydrants?" Answer: I like...
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وزير التعليم العالى يفجر مفاجأة بخصوص الدراسه والامتحانات بنظام الأبحاث. قال وزير التربية والتعليم الدكتور طارق شوقي ان الغاء الغياب لا يعن...
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Bob Ross was legendary as an on-screen painter, but he was also generous enough to welcome a few guests and let them do their thing. In thi...
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قرارات هامة من وزراة التربية والتعليم من أهمها رفع الغياب أصدر وزير التربية والتعليم والتعليم الفني ، الدكتور طارق شوقي ، الإعلان رقم 9 بت...
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Ludvig Munthe (1841-1896) was a Norwegian-born German painter who specialized in low-light snow scenes. Munthe studied in Düsseldorf, Germ...
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هام بشأن الصحة تسجل 911 إصابة جديدة بفيروس كورونا...و29 حالة وفاة وتعافى 336 وأعلنت وزارة الصحة والسكان ، الأحد ، أنه بعد تلقي العلاج والتأ...
أقراء المزيد
موعد مباراة أستون فيلا ضد وست بروميتش والقنوات الناقلة مباشرة وكان فريق أستون فيلا المحترف هو نجم المنتخب الوطني ، حيث أقيم على استاد ذا ها...
أقراء المزيد
طلبت محكمة الأسرة من الفنان أحمد سعد دفع مبلغ 270 ألف جنيه لسمية الخشاب مقابل الترفيه قضت محكمة أسرة سيدي جابر بدار محكمة الإسكندر محمد كري...
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Computer scientists have developed software that generates a drone-like flyover video based on a single input image. ( Link to YouTube ) --...
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هدف ليونيل ميسي نجح قائد فريق برشلونة الإسباني النجم الأرجنتيني ليونيل ميسي في جعل الرقم القياسي المسجل باسم أسطورة كرة القدم البرازيلية ب...
أقراء المزيد
ملخص ليفربول وكريستال بلاس وتألق محمد صلاح. وتغلب فريق ليفربول على كريستال بالاس 7-صفر في مباراة اليوم بين الفريقين على ملعب سيلهيرست بارك ...
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Urban plein-air painter Pete "The Street" Brown shares his thoughts as he paints a London cityscape. ( Link to YouTube ) He ta...
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Andreas Achenbach (German, 1815 - 1910) painted this watercolor of a rune stone in a clearing of a northern pine forest in winter. Andreas...
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This painting by Yves Tanguy (French 1900-1955), was recovered by authorities from a trash bin at a German airport. "An unnamed busin...
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What's striking right away about the composition here is the clustering of lambs and ewes at the center of interest. August Friedrich ...
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Hugh Thomson (1860-1920) was born in Ireland and traveled to London, where he illustrated William, Shakespeare, Charles Dickens, and Jane A...
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A young man and a young woman have taken a walk together in the forest, stopping at a moss covered rock. The title of the painting is "...
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