As far as I knew around 1980 in Los Angeles, no art school was teaching botanical painting from life, so I had to figure it out on my own.
(Link to Instagram post) These studies became part of the book "The Artist's Guide to Sketching, 1982.
Other resources
Now there actually are a couple of schools devoted to the artistic study of plants, though of course at the moment they're closed with the Covid-19 precautions. One of them is in New York at the NY Botanical Garden, and another is in Denver at the Botanic Gardens. The Rhode Island School of Design has a Nature Lab, from which students can borrow specimens to study.
"Gouache in the Wild" (Download on Gumroad)
“How to Make a Sketch Easel” (DVD)
Flower Painting in the Wild
More info on gouache gear
Gouache Materials List
Watercolor Materials
Color and Light: A Guide for Realist Painters:
Imaginative Realism: How to Paint What Doesn’t Exist
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