The Microscopic Sculptures of Hagop Sandaldjian for-us Museum Visits 31 يناير 2021 The sculptures of Hagop Sandaldjian are so tiny that they can't be fully appreciated with the naked eye. You need a magnifying glass to ... أقراء المزيد
Hydrographics for-us 30 يناير 2021 Hydrographics is a method of printing in which an object with a complex shape is dipped through a thin film of pigment floating on a tank o... أقراء المزيد
What Does Your Work Aim to Say? for-us 29 يناير 2021 Art student Alexandra V. asks: " What does your work aim to say? (About the world or your life)" Alexandra, when you ask about wha... أقراء المزيد
Alaskan Residency Opportunity for-us 28 يناير 2021 Are you the adventurous type? Voices in the Wilderness is an unique artist-in-residence program where intrepid artists can explore the wil... أقراء المزيد
Posing for a Painting Saved a Man's Life for-us Book reviews 27 يناير 2021 Illustrator Saul Tepper (New York City, 1899-1987) hunted throughout the city for amateur models to pose for his illustrations. One time, a... أقراء المزيد
From Niagara Falls to Waterfall City for-us 26 يناير 2021 A few days ago, in a previous post , I shared some of the preliminary sketches for the establishing shots of Waterfall City (below). Water... أقراء المزيد
The Rijksmuseum shares copyright-free images for-us Museum Visits 24 يناير 2021 The Colosseum in Rome by Josephus Augustus Knip, 1809, watercolor, 425mm × w 597mm Amsterdam's Rijksmuseum Museum has made its coll... أقراء المزيد
Can We Tune Our Level of Satisfaction? for-us 23 يناير 2021 A question came about my recent YouTube video which talked about the mindset that I try to cultivate while painting. M C asks: "How d... أقراء المزيد
Portrait of Ben Franklin for-us 21 يناير 2021 One of the paintings that President Biden chose for the Oval Office is a portrait of Benjamin Franklin by Joseph Siffred Duplessis . Frank... أقراء المزيد
Sargent's Study of the Marlborough Family for-us 20 يناير 2021 John Singer Sargent did a pencil study (right) of a group portrait of the Duke of Marlborough and his Family by Joshua Reynolds (left). Sar... أقراء المزيد
How do you justify so much preparatory work? for-us 19 يناير 2021 These charcoal-on-vellum line drawings are half the size of the final painting of Waterfall City . This is the step where I figure out pers... أقراء المزيد
Civil Twilight for-us Effects/Phenomena 18 يناير 2021 The term civil twilight refers to the period between the time when the sun goes down and when the natural illumination is so dim that artif... أقراء المزيد
Painting with Two Colors (Plus White) for-us Color 17 يناير 2021 Here's a great exercise to try: paint a snow scene with just ultramarine blue and burnt sienna, plus white gouache. ( Link to YouTube v... أقراء المزيد
Illustration Techniques of Robert McGinnis for-us Golden Age Illustration 16 يناير 2021 Robert McGinnis (born 1926) painted glamorous women and gun-toting spies for paperback covers and movie posters. This video by producer Pa... أقراء المزيد
Planning Waterfall City, Part 1 for-us 15 يناير 2021 The original painting for Waterfall City went through a lot of planning stages. I started with a lot of thumbnail sketches, trying to lass... أقراء المزيد
Vinnie Ream's Statue of Lincoln for-us Sculpture 13 يناير 2021 To get a healing break from the images of chaos and violence in public spaces, I've been trying to take a minute to focus on the beauty ... أقراء المزيد
Machine Algorithm Turns Text Into Images for-us 12 يناير 2021 Neural networks are able to generate plausible images by starting with a descriptive phrase written in natural language and then mining a la... أقراء المزيد
William Fraser Garden for-us 11 يناير 2021 Victorian watercolor painter William Fraser Garden (1856-1921) grew up amid a large family of artists. He painted carefully observed views a... أقراء المزيد