Our boat brought us to a settlement of crested hadrosaurs and their human assistants, where we spent a few days drying out in the smoky attics of their houses"
The painting is done in oil wash over pencil on illustration board, which has been sealed first with some workable fixative spray and then with a thin layer of acrylic matte medium.
Dinotopian flight instructor Oolu holds a lightweight skybax saddle.
This technique is fast, direct, and reproduces well.
Answer: Liquin (a fast-drying alkyd medium) and Gamsol (a mineral solvent). Note that both of those are toxic, so you need good ventilation and protection for the skin of your hands.
Answer: It's workable for a longer period and it blends well with opaques.
Illustrations from Dinotopia: A Land Apart from Time.
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