The best home remedy for cracked heels
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Are you embarrassed to wear open and summer shoes because of the annoying shape of your feet and cracked heels already? This is embarrassing, but do not worry, my dear, because this article contains the most successful solutions to this problem.
Article content:
- Causes of cracked feet.
- Home solutions for cracked feet:
- White vinegar.
- Rice flour.
- Banana.
- Honey.
- Oil massage.
1. Causes of cracked feet:
One of the causes of cracked feet is the lack of moisture in this area, which makes the layers of the skin rough, dry, and cracked, and also due to the lack of vitamins and minerals in the body, including zinc, whose deficiency greatly leads to dehydration and cracked heels.
As well as standing for long periods of time, this leads to swelling of the feet and thus damage to the skin.
The skin is affected with age, it may become old, causing cracks in the feet.
Obesity leads to increased pressure on the heels, as a result of which the skin stretches, and this leads to dryness and cracks in the feet.
Wearing open-toe sandals and high heels can affect the feet and cause skin roughness.
Exposing the feet to water and moisture for long periods of time,, causes the oils and water to be removed from the skin, resulting in dryness and cracking.
It is possible that the genetic factor is the cause of this problem.
2. Home solutions for cracked feet:
First, white vinegar:
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White vinegar has many benefits, especially in terms of cleansing and cleaning. It is considered a home disinfectant because it contains a large percentage of antioxidants and its ability to eliminate microbes and germs. It is also considered soothing to the skin from inflammation and redness. Furthermore, it also works to remove the layer of dead skin and scales that appear due to Dryness and therefore is a catalyst for smooth and silky feet, mix a cup of white vinegar and two cups of water and then rub your feet with this solution and also with the help of a foot cleaning stone to remove dead skin for 15 minutes, then clean your feet of scales and dry them carefully repeat this recipe several times a week until you get the desired results.
Second, rice flour:
Rice is a natural moisturizer for the skin. It also contains many vitamins such as vitamin E. It also works to lighten and unify the skin tone, thus helping you moisturize the heels and protect against cracks, but it is better to mix rice with honey because these two ingredients will magically combine to get quick results. It exfoliates, purifies, and remineralizes the skin. Honey is a natural antiseptic that helps heal the feet. Mix three tablespoons of rice flour and add honey until you get a thick paste. Then put it on your feet as a mask for half an hour, then wash your feet with lukewarm water. Do this recipe two to three times a week. You will be able to Quickly wear beautiful sandals.
Third banana:
Banana is a natural moisturizer for the skin. It contains many vitamins, including b6 and c, and this helps maintain the elasticity of the skin. You need a mashed banana in the form of a soft paste, rub this paste on your feet because those who are not, then leave it for 20 minutes and then rinse the feet with clean water. This recipe is repeated every night before going to bed,, and you will notice the results after the first week.
Fourth, honey:
Bee honey is included in all kinds of exfoliating masks for its many benefits, but it also achieves a wonderful function when used alone as it works to attract water from the inner tissues to the outer parts of the skin because changing the fluids helps to heal the outer skin To prepare this magical treatment just add two tablespoons of honey In a basin with hot to lukewarm water, then gently massage your feet for 20 minutes. After that, it is preferable to gently exfoliate your skin using a pumice stone, and finally, dry your feet and moisturize them with cream. It is better to do this regularly before bed, as this is really comfortable and beneficial for your feet.
Fifthly, oil massage:
Natural oils are one of the effective treatments, as they comfort and moisturize the skin
Vitamins A to D and E that help nourish the skin and create new cells. You can use your favorite type of oils such as olive oil, sweet almond oil, coconut oil, and others, if you want to see the amazing effects of these natural oils, apply thick layers of oil to your heels and toes and massage your feet carefully until they are completely dry, making sure the skin has absorbed the oil. Then put on socks in the morning. You will be amazed at how soft your feet are like baby skin.
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