Repin Exhibition in Paris

القائمة الرئيسية


A retrospective of artwork of Ilya Repin (1844-1930) called "To paint the Russian soul" (Peindre l'âme russe) is currently on view in Paris.

"Le Petit Palais in Paris presents the first French retrospective dedicated to Ilya Repin, one of the greatest glories of Russian art. Little known in France, his work is nevertheless considered an essential milestone in the history of Russian painting of the 19th and 20th centuries. Around a hundred paintings, on loan from the National Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow, the State Russian Museum in Saint Petersburg and the Art Museum of the Ateneum in Helsinki, some of which are very large, will allow us to retrace his journey. through his masterpieces."

The exhibition will be on view through the 23rd of January, 2022.
Book in English: Ilya Repin
