1. Painters look at nature. 2. People look at paintings that look at nature. 3. Guards look at people who look at paintings that look at nat...
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فبراير 2022
Orling Dominguez of the Dominican Republic asks: "You have an interesting mixed media approach, open to any tool or technique you can c...
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Over the two hour period of this painting, the scene rapidly changed from minute to minute. As soon as I had the shapes established, I had t...
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If you are an overnight guest in Chandara's Imperial Palace, you're greeted by a dream tender, a mysterious courtier dressed to matc...
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Roofline in the Catskills, watercolor and colored pencils. "Anything that excites me for any reason, I will [sketch]; not searching for...
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A monstrous transformation is at the heart of one of Lucius Shepard's short stories in "The Ends of the Earth," published in F...
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The design of any plant has to respond to four main physical constraints: 1) Plants have to capture sunlight and avoid shading their own l...
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Iceboat MaryEllen, gouache. The 50/50 isopropyl/water dilution stayed liquid at 15° F/-12°C, but caused some sedimentation in foreground, wh...
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Many erasers leave an oily residue, which can result in paint chipping from its backing surface. Note how the gouache paint on this Coby Whi...
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Gouache presents at least five difficulties: it freezes, it dries fast, it reactivates, it looks chalky, and it shifts values when it dries....
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Tomorrow, Feb. 18, at noon EST on YouTube, I'll do a 1-hour demo with gouache and answer your questions about it. Here's the link.
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View this post on Instagram A post shared by James Gurney (@jamesgurneyart) I'll be launching a YouTube premiere this Fri...
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Just published: a free online article in Artists Network about my approach to imaginative painting. The key is to "fill the bucket...
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Alphonse Mucha, Portrait of Madame Deschamps, 1903, pencil & white chalk on tan paper Alphonse Mucha said: "The purpose of my work ...
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We bestow our visual attention very selectively, and that hierarchy of awareness is called the attentional (or foveal) spotlight. It's l...
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At various stages in his career, Jamie Wyeth has turned to gouache instead of oil, and he has painted on non-archival surfaces such as corru...
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Light pillars are optical phenomena where artificial lights appear to form vertical shafts above each source of light. They're caused b...
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Josep Puigdengolas Barella (1906-1987) was a Spanish/Catalonian landscape painter with some interesting ideas about skies. A channel of blu...
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For sunbeams to appear in a forest, you need 1) a high, dense canopy punctured by a few openings, 2) air filled with dust, vapor, or smoke, ...
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New issue of Artists Magazine takes a look at imaginative realism. View this post on Instagram A post shared by James G...
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علاج الحبوب بالثوم جميل انه يا سيدتي علم جديد حلقه جديده من قبل الطبيب ثانوي القسم الثاني مريض معكم و معهم ومع انه يقول نبيل ما وصلنا لهذا...
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علاج حب الشباب بالليمون في 5 دقائق ( معالجة حب الشباب للبشرة الدهنية ) التخلص من حب الشباب واثاره علاج فعال للعديد من مشاكل البشره بسبب اح...
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عيش الكريب بدون بيض بدون حليب بدون خلاط زى بتاع المحلات وأحسن عليهم نصف معلقه صغيره من الملح. فهو نوع متعدد الاغراض. بيسبول. اول حاجه ا...
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دموع محمد صلاح تنهمر امام احتفالات ماني بالقرب من طريق يقدم لحظات من السحر في العالم الحظ عاند الرائع ابو جبل ودموع محمد صلاح تنهمر امام اح...
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شبت أو عين الجرادة وطرق زراعتة من بذرة حتى جمع المحصول كل ماتريد معرفتة عن زراعة نبات وتسميد وري والامراض وفوائدة نبات الشبت من العائله ا...
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I wanted to show the misty atmosphere of the setting without a full rectangular shaped composition, so I used a "torn paper vignette,...
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Evgenii (or Yevgeny) Rachev (1906-1997) was an illustrator best known for his images of animal fables from Russian folk tales. Postcards bas...
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