Short Clips from "Color in Practice"

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Short Clips from "Color in Practice"

Here's a video clip from "Color in Practice." I'm painting the office of the auto repair shop, using warm and cool colors. (Link to video on Facebook)

In this painting of the parked limo I turn day into night with the stimulus of a spotlight underpainting. (link to video on FB)
Anthony Walsh, Founder of Syn Studio : Art School, says: "Colour in Practice is a superb instructional video. James' explanations are crystal clear and everything is beautifully demonstrated. For each colour palette, James shows you exactly how to build it and then shows you how to make great use of it in a step-by-step painting demo. James also provides handy painting tips as well as practical exercises that will make you a better artist. I highly recommend this for anyone who wants to improve their painting skills."
Check out the full video out in my new video tutorial, Color in Practice, available any any of these outlets:
Gumroad (1080p HD video download with streaming option)
Sellfy (1080p HD video download) 

Cubebrush (1080p HD video download from concept art marketplace)
