Photographers and the Great Depression for-us 31 يوليو 2020 Local children enjoy a dip in the pool in front of an Iron City billboard, The photographs that document the Great Depression give a vivid r... أقراء المزيد
How do you force yourself to improve? for-us 30 يوليو 2020 Comando Speciales on YouTube asks : "How do you force yourself to improve? I'm a fine arts student and every time I try to paint or... أقراء المزيد
Interview with Pencil Kings for-us 29 يوليو 2020 Here's a new podcast interview with Mitch Bowler of Pencil Kings. We discuss: Time management Thoughts on social media Tips for ma... أقراء المزيد
Irving Wiles for-us Academic Painters 28 يوليو 2020 Irving Ramsey Wiles (1861-1948) painted this reclining woman in 1895 using watercolor, graphite, and gouache on paper. The size is 22 x 28 ... أقراء المزيد
To See, Your Eyes Must Move for-us Visual Perception 27 يوليو 2020 In order to see anything, your eyes must move around. Painting by Magritte In a classic scientific study back in 1976, John K. Stevens ane... أقراء المزيد
Giacomo Favretto for-us 26 يوليو 2020 Giacomo Favretto (Venetian 1849-1887) was a 19th century painter who specialized in warmly anecdotal scenes of regular Venetians going abou... أقراء المزيد
Roman Battle Galleons for-us 25 يوليو 2020 What if Rome never fell and they went on to conquer the world with motorized battle galleys? This concept plays out in Kirk Mitchell 's ... أقراء المزيد
Imaro Color Sketch for-us 24 يوليو 2020 Imaro is an African superhero character created by novelist Charles Saunders. This is an unpublished oil sketch for a paperback cover. ---- ... أقراء المزيد
Sketch for a Space Comedy for-us 23 يوليو 2020 I did this concept sketch for an unproduced Ralph Bakshi space comedy around 1981. It was kind of a mishmash of Star Wars, Wizards, and Hea... أقراء المزيد
Odd place to find a lobster for-us 22 يوليو 2020 In the fishing villages of Connemara, Ireland, they say: ‘is fánach an áit a bhfaighfeá gliomach’ —"You'll find the lobster in the ... أقراء المزيد
Watercolor as a Controlled Emergency for-us 21 يوليو 2020 RLD Studio asks: "I noticed you chose to eliminate some elements like several lily pads and make the frog larger in relation to the pad... أقراء المزيد
Painting a Frog and Wondering about Umwelt for-us Animals 20 يوليو 2020 In this new video, I paint a green frog from life. I'll need him to hold still over an hour. Will he do it? I consider the question of... أقراء المزيد
Foam on the Water for-us 19 يوليو 2020 Rapids in a small stream pull air bubbles underwater. Those submerged bubbles take on a soft warm glow and rise to the surface in ringlets t... أقراء المزيد
Louise Abbéma for-us 18 يوليو 2020 Louise Abbéma (1853-1927) was a French painter who specialized in flowers and portraits, particularly of women. She studied with Charles J... أقراء المزيد
Academy Board for-us 17 يوليو 2020 During the 19th century, the plein-air painting movement was fostered by several key innovations in art supplies, such as collapsible paint ... أقراء المزيد
Seven Tips for Painting Moonlight for-us 16 يوليو 2020 Here are seven tips for painting landscapes in moonlight: 1. Use cool, grayish colors. 2. Reduce chroma. 3. Unify Shadows. 4. Make them near... أقراء المزيد
Saul Tepper Thumbnail for-us Preliminary Sketches 15 يوليو 2020 Here's a thumbnail sketch by American illustrator Saul Tepper (1899-1987). This has all the qualities a good thumbnail should have: 1. ... أقراء المزيد
Wisdom from a Peanuts Cartoon for-us 14 يوليو 2020 Charlie Brown compliments Linus on his drawing of a man. Charlie says: "I notice that you've drawn him with his hands behind his ba... أقراء المزيد
Movie Pitch: Epsilon Virus for-us 13 يوليو 2020 Here's an idea for a movie story that I call "The Epsilon Virus": Communication from the International Space Station goes dar... أقراء المزيد
Is Time Linear or Circular? for-us Dinotopia 12 يوليو 2020 The helicoid geochronograph is Dinotopia's water-powered timepiece that reconciles cyclical and linear conceptions of time. Which is it... أقراء المزيد
Why Draw from Life? for-us Pencil Sketching 11 يوليو 2020 domi_digital asks: "I need to get something cleared up. What is the biggest reason that pro artists tell me to draw from life? My opini... أقراء المزيد
Wisdom of Austin Briggs for-us Golden Age Illustration 10 يوليو 2020 The new issue of Illustration Magazine (#68 ) takes an insightful look at American illustrator Austin Briggs (1908-1973). One thing that ... أقراء المزيد
Images of 19th-Century Evictions for-us Academic Painters 09 يوليو 2020 With bans on evictions expiring in many states, the sad truth is that a great many renters will be forced out of their lodgings. Let's s... أقراء المزيد
Polenov's Drawing Evenings for-us 08 يوليو 2020 Vasily Polenov (Russian, 1844-1927) hosted artistic gatherings at his home where his friends could assemble to draw costumed figures. Konst... أقراء المزيد
عين الجرادة (الشبت): عشبة بفوائد صحية رائعة for-us العناية بالبشرة والجمال 08 يوليو 2020 عين الجرادة (الشبت ) هي عشب يستخدم غالبًا لإضافة طعم منعش ولذيذ إلى أطباق الطعام المختلفة ، ولكنه ليس مجرد نكهة ، وفوائد هذا العشب كثيرة ومت... أقراء المزيد